
Led a tour of eight with Kate, then got a massage for my aching back (not sure it helped, but it was kinda soothing), then helped with a stokes-basket rescue training, then helped Chris and Greg repair a piece of the challenge course, then went to play ultimaye (3 on 3), then played a game of Koob with Ben, then recorded possibly episode 5 of the We Think We're Famous podcast with Damon (no Don).


Led a tour of eight with Ethan, then led a tour of six(?) with Kate.


Did inspection with Nicky, then Led a tour of six with her, followed by a tour of seven with her on lead, me on sweep (except for zip 3, which i led). Worked in the challenge course and adventure zone until i was able to leave at 6:30 (Hops in the Hills was going on and we were busy).


Led three tours: tour of six with Sam, tour of four with Marissa, tour of two with Marissa.


I was cleaning my camera sensor and was taking pictures of the sky in order to see if there were any dust motes.


Led one tour of two with Sean. Lightning hold in the afternoon so i went home.


Had a physical therapy appointment in the morning, so i didn't go to work. Damon and i (Don was on vacation) recorded Episode 5 of We Think We're Famous that evening.


Led a tour of eight(?) with Ethan, then swept a tour of three with Ethan on lead.

Ian came over and we spent some time up at the farm talking with Kara and Ryan.


Led a tour of eight with Ethan, swept a tour of seven with Ethan, led a tour of seven with Nicky. Got a fifteen-minute lunch.


Led a tour of six with Ethan, swept a tour of two with Tim, nothing much in the afternoon, so left a little early.


Don, Damon, and i recorded Episode 6 of We Think We're Famous, for some unknown reason.


I shadowed Kate as she led a tour of three with Sam (had to do one catch on zip 7), then led two tours of eight—one with Kate, one with Sam.


Did inspection then led two tours with Liz—a group of two with one very scared woman who powered through, and a group of seven with one very scared 13-year-old who barely made it through Zip 5 and walked down with her dad from there.


Wasn't supposed to do inspection, but Mike had to do a zip tour at 9:00, so i went with Tim and inspected, then came down and led a tour of two (the same two from yesterday) with Liz. After that it was rainy and slow and my leg was cramping up and painful, so i went home.


Woke up really early with very bad lowerback/leg pain. It really hurt to sit, but walking around was okay. Did inspection with Ethan, then led three tours with Marissa—one of eight, one of three, one of four. The last one started at 3:30 and we got a lightning delay at the top of tower 2, so we belayed to the ground. We all hiked back up and started again after the delay was cleared. It started raining on zip 6, harder on zip 7, then just as Marissa zipped in, we had a big rumble of thunder so we hustled everyone down off the last tower. Got in after 5:30.


Woke up a few times overnight and had to take ibuprofin for the back/leg pain. Swept a tour of six with Ethan, then led a tour of seven with Ethan. Helped out in the challenge course, then went home.





Busy. Inspection and three tours with Liz.


Just one tour with Ethan i think.


Ten of us hiked and drove up to the top of the zip course and sat on the top of Tower 2 having coffee and donuts. Did a tour with Ethan and one with Tim after that.


Did three tours with Ethan—he led the first (four guests) and third (four), i led the middle (eight). No lunch.



Led one tour of five with Sam. Worked in the Adventure Zone while Marissa and Sam pulled ropes.


Not enough staff today. I did inspection by myself, then all the zip tour slots were closed for the day (none were booked) and Kate and i were the only two people in the challenge course. After we closed up, we went out and pulled ropes.


Swept a tour of six with Tim. Only one person booked a tour, but then five more employees joined the group. After lunch i led a tour of four with Mike.


Led three tours with Kate—six people, then two of eight people each. No lunch.
