
My most-retweeted tweet up to this point:


Did inspection with Kate, then led a tour of two with Sam.

While working in the challenge course, i met a woman named Lauren who i was in the same third-grade class with in Weston, Mass.

In the afternoon i led a tour of four with Kate. Finished up in the challenge course until after 5:00.


Did inspection with Liz, but got interrupted at Tower 6. Chris gave me a ride back down to the base to lead a tour of four with Kate. Worked in the challenge course during the middle of the day (kinda shorthanded), then led a tour of seven with Liz on sweep.


Led three tours with Kate on sweep. One of four, then two of five, the last one leaving at 4:00 PM. Worked in the challenge course between zips (very understaffed today) and got lunch break just before my last zip tour.


Did inspection with Tim, worked in the challenge course, led a tour of two with Kate, more challenge course, then the thunderstorms rolled in and we closed down.


I was sweep guide with Mike on a tour of five, then lead guide on a tour of seven, again with Mike. One of the guests on the last tour was probably over the weight limit and he came in on the last zipline faster than i've ever seen. I grabbed his harness as he went by, but he completely knocked me down to the platform. Luckily i kept ahold of him. It was a bit scary, but i hit the deck fairly softly and was totally fine. The added bonus was that a few of the other guides were sitting by the lift watching all of this.




Did inspection with Kate, led a tour of five, then a tour of two, both with Kate on sweep.

That evening, Don and i (Damon was on vacation) recorded Episode 4 of We Think We're Famous.


Rained a bit in the morning. No zip tours.


Had a zip tour scheduled in the morning, but they mis-booked it. Sat around inspecting the harnesses, then went over to the Clock Tower side of the mountain to do some chairlift evacuation training. There was one zip tour in the afternoon, but Tim and Liz took it.


Did inspection with Liz. I noticed that the shock-pack on Zip 6 had blown, so we rode up with the morning tour and zipped through to replace it. Then did two tours i think. On the first one, the EAD tripped on Zip 1 and i had to do a retrieval for the first time ever on that zipline.


Did two tours of seven with Tim—i led the first, he led the second. For the second day in a row i had to retrieve someone from Zip 1 due to the EAD tripping.





Adventure Zone closed all day due to thunderstorms.


Worked, but forgot to write down what i did, except that i had to climb Tower 2 to untangle the EAD line.


On a tour with Kate, i noticed that the brakes on Zip 1 weren't coming all the way in. Mike and i replaced the Zipstop line on Zip 1 to lengthen it a little bit. Fun to hang out on the line way off of Tower 2.


Worked, but forgot to write down what i did, except that i had to climb Tower 7 to untangle the Zipstop line.


Worked, but forgot to write down what i did.


Did inspection and led one tour of two with Kate. Supposed to have a tour at noon but it was misbooked, so i worked in the challenge course in the afternoon.


Got up really early and set up time-lapse cameras up at the farm, then went to work. Did inspection with Liz, then went out on the course and taped up a few guy wires and ropes, then went home at about noon because i was feeling a little under the weather.


I led a tour of three with Ethan on sweep, then we swapped roles for another tour of three (this one behind a tour of eight, so we had some waiting towards the end). Then I came along on a tour of five that Ethan and Liz ran. I was there to help a paraplegic boy on and off the ziplines and around the platforms. We got it down by the third zip and it went pretty smoothly. Cool to be able to handle that.


Did inspection with Ethan, then we had a tour of two (Ethan led since i wasn't feeling great). After a midday lightning delay, i opted to go home and nap while other guides took out the afternoon tours. I took some pictures of the staff today.


Led a tour of five with Ethan, then led a tour of six with Marissa. Worked in the Adventure Zone until about 3:30.




Went down to the Bromley's Farm in Danby to visit with my friend Jamie. Took a walk with the dogs and saw a coyote. Got caught in a thunderstorm and ran back to the safety of the barn. The drive home was full of lightning, wisps of mist, and bugs flying over the road.


Led a tour of six with Kate. Very slow day. Pulled ropes with Nicky at about 3:00 and went home.
