
Morning private with an adult beginner, who petered out after a little more than two hours, so i helped out Chris's beginner adult group lesson. In the afternoon i took out a blue-level adult.


Morning private with a kid who did not like to use his toe edge. Afternoon private with an adult level-3-ish who was just tentative and cautious.


Morning level-1 adult lesson who had good balance but was working really hard. Afternoon private with a level-1 13-year-old girl who also wore herself out.


Rode hard with Anna all day. She wore me out. Also we saw a porcupine. Okemo's halfpipe opened today, but it's super small and short—i could get out of it without hardly trying.




First day in a while with no morning lesson. I took Rachel out to the halpipe and gave her a little intro to pipe lesson. Had a first-timer in the afternoon and taught on the carpet as the weather turned from rain to sleet to hail to snow to blizzard winds. My uniform was frozen and glazed.


Morning private with a level 5 who was actually a level 5, astoundingly. Afternoon private with a level 6 who was actually a level 3.


Morning family private with mom, dad, 7-year-old, 5-year-old, and 3-year-old. The 3-year-old lasted about an hour and fifteen minutes, the 5-year-old lasted another run down the carpet, then i worked with the 7-year-old and the dad for the rest of the morning. I had a private on me for the afternoon but i was supposed to run a halfpipe clinic so George took the private and i went out with Stefan, Chris, Ian, Rachel, Gretchen, and Agustina. I fell a bunch of times trying to demonstrate stuff and got pretty beat up.


Morning private with the same family from yesterday, but the two young girls bailed out for the day, so it was just the 7-year-old boy and the dad for a couple hours, then him and the mom for the last hour. Afternoon private with a brother and sister, ages about 6 and 8 i think, who didn't really want to learn much but had an okay time sliding down the bunny slope.


There were two blue-level kids for snowboard lessons today—a brother and sister. Anna rode with us for the morning but opted out for the afternoon. It was a dreary foggy day and the snow was a bit heavy but nice to carve through.

First winter league game of the second session. I got scored on a bunch of times early on and someone got a hand block on me, but i picked up the quality and scored a goal on a nice long pass from Wheaton. The game was very close most of the way until we pulled away at the end, beating the Green team 32-25.



Moss Motors asked people to post a Valentin's pic with their Britsih car. I posted this, being stuck inside behind snow outside, and ended up winning their little contest. They sent me a Mini T-shirt and a travel blanket. Pretty cool.


Morning private with a level-4 kid. Super windy and cold. Afternoon group lesson with one level-2 adult.


Day one of a three-day series of six-hour privates. I knew nothing about who the guest was and it was listed as a level-1. It turned out to be a solid blue-level teenager. The lesson was with this boy and his mom and friend, who were both on skis. Brandon taught the skiers, i taught the snowboarder, but we all stayed together for the day, which made it a little odd, but the super cold morning eased into quite a nice day and we did a lot of riding around, so it was pretty fun.


Day two of a three-day series of six-hour privates. Today i rode with the two teenagers—one on a snowboard, one on skis. We ducked into a few different tree runs and generally wore ourselves out, followed by a late lunch with all 15 guests and instructors at 42 North restaurant.


Day three of a three-day series of six-hour privates. Today i rode with the two teenagers plus the dad, sister, and brother, so four skiers and one snowboarder. We dipped into the trees a lot. We lunched at the Sugar House (Smokey Jo's), then i rode with just the two teenagers for another few runs to the end of the day.


My schedule today was two level-1 kids in the morning, one level-1 kid in the afternoon. The morning kids turned out to be level-4 and we went to the top of the mountain a few times as it snowed all day. I zipped over to Jackson Gore for the afternoon private and was just getting started when Terry informed me that Heather had a 15-year-old who wanted to learn 360's and do rails, so we switched privates and i rode with this kid through the parks all afternoon.

Good game against the Black team at winter league. We beat them 32-30 and i got a block and threw a hammer for a goal.




Beginner private in the morning. Afternoon private cancelled, so i ended up with a 5-year-old blue-level SnowStar for the afternoon. Charlie and his friends all arrived late that night.


Morning level two private with one kid, afternoon level two private with two kids. Delicious dinner made by Charlie and Liz.


Morning private was supposed to be with one of the kids from the previous afternoon, but the family decided to throw in her cousin, who'd never snowboarded before, so she hung out on the carpet with him as he learned. Fortunately, he picked it up fairly well and we got to go up the lift twice. In the afternoon, i was cut loose and got to take a few runs with Charlie, Liz, and Sara (Keith and Julia had left at noon).


Only one snowboard lesson in the morning—four beginner kids, and Joe took it. I took a couple runs with Rob, helped Joe for a little bit on the carpet, then had four twenty-something English lads in an afternoon group lesson. It was almost 60° when i left the mountain.


One morning adult lesson, which Joe took. I rode all morning with Anna, joined by Todd, Stefan, Wayne, Kaylie, Adaline, and Jackson (Patroller). There was one adult level-1 in the afternoon, so i taught that and Anna rode with Todd and Stefan.

As a team, we didn't play too well at winter league, losing to the Green team 37-35, but we were down by 10 points early in the game and down by 5 at half, so it was a nice comeback. I had a few throwaways early.


Sent in my absentee ballot for Elizabeth Warren today.


Morning private, level two. No afternoon lessons. Andrew, Rachel, and i took a run through the trees between Searle's Way and Nor'easter.


My morning private (request!) never showed, so i got switched over to all-day kids. I had a slow green and a fast blue kid, which was a little trying. Fortunately, Sean didn't have an afternoon lesson, so took the green kid for the rest of the day after lunch.
